Saturday, December 17, 2011

Asian and I know it.

Follow me on Twitter @LeeHengKean ! I'll most probably follow you back, XD

Hey guys, for some reason. since I revived my blog, I might as well revive my Twitter account then. Not much happened today, other than the fact that I went back to CHS to play some football. It was kinda bad, the grass was shit long, =.=

So anyways, I noticed something about Asian stereotypes. They're kinda true aren't they?

Asian parents REALLY care about grades. I still remember in primary school, I freaked when I got sucky results. There was this one time, I got an 80% in English, I hid it under my desk along with my 60 over marked papers not bringing it home. Because English is the only subject I'm actually decent at, the expectation is kinda high.

Also, tough love to asian parents includes hitting your kid with a cane. Let me tell you, as a kid, I'm a bit TOO familiar with the cane man. But I can't say the method doesn't work lah, unfortunately, XD

He talks like a black dude in an asian body. XD

It's true though, sometimes when I complain to my dad about a certain things, he'll be saying how the thing I'm complaining is nothing compared to a thing he been through and all that. XD

Haha, so yeah, if this post made you laugh, most probably it was the videos, XD

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