Monday, December 12, 2011


I like that word. =D

10.05pm, Monday. I thought all day that today was a Tuesday. O.O

To start things off, I just wanna say how damn much I miss The Big Bang Theory. Something about that show really seperates it from HIMYM, can't point a finger to it though.

You know, not that looks really matter, which it really doesn't, but make up can really, REALLY, change the face.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not against make up, I mean, every girl does make up. I'm just really fascinated at the fact that it can literally change the way you look.

If you see it in another point of view, it's kinda like lying. I mean like, Facebook are full of them, you see their profile pictures and they look so hot, but truth is it's juts photoshop and stuff.

Where am I going with this I really don't know really. =/

Neeeways, I realise that I'm paranoid about a lot things. For example, I always have this fear where I fall and accidentally bite off my tongue. Eww right. XS

That really brings me back to Facebook, recently, it became a bit more Tumblr like. At first I was pretty amused at all the jokes and all, but then they started sharing around disgusting pictures like some man whose face was blown off, some man in half, animals in obvious pain. I mean, my heart really goes out to them, but please, stop sharing them around. It's not a sight for sore eyes believe or not.

I find it very frustrating that a pretty girl's status will always have a lot of likes. Take for example, when I post 'Goodnight!', nobody really cares, but when a hot girl posts the same thing, not a even a minute and already 10 likes and plenty of comments from despo guys saying goodnight. Just putting it out there. Oh, I also find guys who post a lot of status updates about how in love or love lost they are pretty gay. Just saying.

What else is there to talk about? Oh yeah, the pair of CR's are REALLY hard to get used to if you're used to thin soled shoes. Shooting is hell.

Moving on,

That's all I have actually. Bear with me, just finding my form, will be actually writing good shit soon I hope. =)

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